eBook Pele: Do nascimento à maturidade, devo comprar? Ofertas, Menor Preço e Informações Gerais, Leia Online

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    eBook Pele: Do nascimento à maturidade
    01/08/2023 até 23/08/2023
    R$ 62,30
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Informações Gerais

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1. Ficha Técnica:

2. Análise do Produto:

Related to product "Pele: Do nascimento à maturidade", let's start by saying that it is a professional guide published by Editora Senac São Paulo. The book is aimed at health professionals, such as dermatologists, aestheticians, and cosmetologists, but can also be used by those interested in learning about skincare as a whole, including everyday individuals.

The main goal of the book is to provide the latest scientific knowledge of skin health, from birth to old age, presenting a comprehensive view of the different stages of the skin, as well as hormonal and environmental factors that affect it. It covers various skin issues and diseases, with their respective treatments, and recommendations for preventing damage and maintaining healthier-looking skin.

Throughout its chapters, Pele: Do nascimento à maturidade explores, in detail, subjects such as genetics, sun exposure, nutrition, and cosmetics, correlating them with the skin's appearance and structure. The book is structured in four parts:

  1. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin
  2. The Skin in Different Life Stages
  3. Skin Disorders and their Treatment
  4. Cosmetic Resources for Skin Treatment

The book's language is technical due to its target audience, but their information is accessible to anyone interested in skin health. It is written in an objective way, with no redundant or excessively advanced terms. It uses high-quality images, tables, and graphs that help to illustrate and clarify the concepts presented.

Overall, Pele: Do nascimento à maturidade is an exceptional guide for those interested in skincare and for professionals who need a reliable source of information at the forefront of the latest research on skin health. With comprehensive information and clear language, the book provides a wide range of content, from basic biology to the most advanced cosmetic treatments currently available. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to have more in-depth knowledge about skin health.

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